Thursday, March 5, 2015

NOTES: Vector v. Bitmap

Vector vs. Bitmap

  • Bezier Curves/NURBS

What is Raster?

  • Image or images created with pixels
  • can be photo or video
  • jpg,gif,psd,tiff,mpg,mov,wmv,mp4

Features of Raster

  • Image file format standard for photography and video
  • are resolution dependent
  • more pixels = higher rez
  • can be reduced in size but doesn't scale up without loss of quality
  • Raste is a pixel-based image

What is Vector?

  • Vector is a mathematically based method for creating line data
  • popularized by Pierre Bizier to help with automobile manufacturing techniques for Renault.
  • vector files are scalable without losing image quality
  • because they are math based, vector files are smaller in file size generally
  • vector files aren’t internet browser friendly, require the proper software for display such as Adobe Flash

Vector Graphics

  • Vector graphics can be stored in different formats,AI,PDF,WMF,FLC
  • Font data is stored as vector
  • Are resolution “independent”

Vector vs. Bitmap

  • Vector is scaleable, bitmap loses quality when scaled up
  • Bitmap is best for photographs and video
  • Fonts are stored as vector to ensure image quality at any size

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